
Child Seat Inspection Stations: 为什么 Are They Underused?


Child safety seats save lives; their use in passenger cars has been shown to reduce fatal injury by 71% for infants and by 54% for toddlers. But installing the seats can be complicated and confusing. 事实上, nearly 60% of car seats are incorrectly installed nationwide, as reported by the National Child Restraint Use Special Study.

提供免费帮助. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has established 4,000 child seat inspection stations to provide one-on-one installation support. Yet, few parents are stopping by for professional help. 为什么?


韦斯特在全国范围内进行了一项调查, web-based survey for NHTSA to examine caregivers’ awareness, 的态度, and barriers to using child safety seat inspection stations.

We developed and tested the survey, developed the web application, and contacted a sample of U.S. 家庭,邀请他们参与. We sought parents and caregivers of children from newborn to age 9. A total of 1,400 households accepted the invitation.

结果通知NHTSA & 其他人

In addition to discovering respondents’ awareness of and 的态度 toward inspection stations, 调查结果将会

  • Shed light on the extent of their confidence in installing car seats, their perception of the risk to children not restrained properly, and their intent to visit an inspection station
  • Identify additional barriers to using inspection stations

Findings will support NHTSA’s efforts to work with manufacturers, 倡导组织, and the public to increase the safety of child passengers.


趣赢平台的研究人员, 现在是研究的分析阶段, 有什么初步观察吗, 阿黛尔·波尔森笔记, 趣赢平台 Project Director: “Parents may drive by inspection stations all the time and not even know it. That’s because many stations aren’t in permanent, dedicated locations.”

趣赢平台 staff have firsthand experience with the car seat inspections. Four staff members are certified child passenger safety technicians (CPSTs), including Ms. Polson. 她每个月都做志愿者, helping parents in the county where she lives to correctly install car seats.

“With installation support available at car seat inspection stations, more children can be protected from fatal injuries,她说。. Polson. “The data from this survey will help develop policies to save lives.”

Learn more about getting a car seat checked: 检查汽车座椅

Other Occupant Protection Use Surveys for NHTSA

除了这个调查, 趣赢平台 conducts the following 2 observational surveys of driver and occupant behavior, the only national surveys of their kind:

  • 全国居住者保护使用调查. This survey is conducted every year at about 2,000 sites and collects data on seat belt use, 摩托车骑手的头盔使用情况, 儿童安全座椅的使用, 发短信和使用手提电话, 以及人口特征. We’ve conducted this survey annually since 1999.
  • National Survey of the Use of Booster Seats. This survey focuses on appropriate child seat use for children through the age of 12. It includes observations of restraint use, and interviews with drivers. We’ve conducted this survey every 2 years since 2005.





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